Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Styx - The Musical (Act III)

I'm going to stick with the embedding of just the audio files; Youtube is a bit of a pain at times. Anyways, here's the third act - it's starting to get darker, which doesn't necessarily fit the musical style of Styx, but I still think it works. Also, there's a majorly obvious song set-up in this one. Sorry about it. Inspired by the music of Styx.

(Scene opens on Lawrence, who’s talking on the phone with James. It cuts back and forth between them as they talk)

Lawrence: “YOU JUST LEFT HER?”

James (voice quivering): “I was still buzzed, and I panicked, and I –“

Lawrence: “BUT YOU LEFT HER!”

James: “Stop yelling! I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what happened, I’m freaking out here!”

Lawrence: “Did you call anybody or anything?”

James: “I called an ambulance after I got home, but I don’t know if they got her or anything… Lawrence, I don’t know what to do. I just left her there!”

Lawrence: “Ok, you need to calm down, and not talk to anybody about this until we know what happened! And DON’T tell Tommy; he’ll totally flip. Just stay calm and stay low, understand?”

James: “Ok, ok, I’ll try... thanks.” (he hangs up the phone, and slides down a wall, face in hands)

Lawrence (slamming the phone back down): “FUCK!”

(He rubs his head, stares up, and begins to sing “Crystal Ball”. The scene shows both Lawrence and Tommy singing various parts)

(A few days later, Tommy & Lorelei talking at dessert)

Tommy: “Lorelei, I’ve been thinking about something I wanted to ask you.”

Lorelei: “And what might that be?”

Tommy: “Well, I know your lease is up at the end of the year, and I was wondering if you might want to move in with me instead?”

Lorelei (smiling): “Are you actually asking if I will? Or if I’d want to?”

Tommy (sheepishly): “Well, yeah, I’m asking if you will. Lorelei, will you move in with me?”

Lorelei (smiling and kissing him): “I’d love to.”

(Lawrence and James talking in Lawrence’s apartment)

James: “Did you see the paper? There’s a thing about Kate… she died at the hospital last night.”

Lawrence: “So now what?”

James: “I’m leaving town. They’re going to know I was there, and I can’t deal with it. I need to disappear.”

Lawrence: “If you run, they’re just going to hunt you down. You know that.”

James: “But I can’t stay here. I just can’t be here any more.”

Lawrence: “Where are you going to go?”

James: “Don’t know, and I wouldn’t tell you if I did. They’ll question you, I’m sure; I can’t have anybody knowing. I just need to disappear completely.”

Lawrence: “James…”

James: “I have to leave. I’m sorry. Tell Tommy good bye for me.”

Lawrence: “Take care of yourself…”

James: “Good bye Lawrence.”

(Exit James. Lawrence’s phone rings)

Lawrence: “Hey Tommy.”

Tommy: “Did you see the paper?!”

Lawrence: “Yeah, I know. James was just here.”

Tommy: “What the hell happened?

(Lawrence explains)

Tommy: “Fuck man. And he just left?”

Lawrence: “Yeah, he’s gone. Wouldn’t tell me where he’s going either. I’m worried about him.”

Tommy: “Well, we’re not going to be able to find him. And that’s probably for the best… I hope he knows what he’s doing.”

Lawrence: “Me too, Tommy. Me too.”

(6 months later, in Tommy’s apartment)

Tommy (pacing, talking aloud): “I can’t believe this day is finally here! I’m kind of freaking out about her moving in, but I’m so excited too.

(Begins to sing “Lorelei” while moving things around, and helping Lorelei move boxes in. Song ends, and they kiss.)

(End of Act III)


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